School Nurse Webinar Co-hosted by Georgia STOMP

On February 24th at noon, Georgia STOMP is honored to work alongside the Georgia Association of School Nurses to host a live webinar for school nurses and other school employees who distribute period products to students in Georgia. The webinar will originate on a platform provided by the Georgia Department of Education and include an opportunity for real time Q&A by participants.

The webinar will begin with an update on the distribution of funds earmarked in the 2019 legislative session for the purchase of feminine hygiene products in Georgia’s public schools, and through local health departments. Several case studies featuring local school leaders will highlight how various districts are distributing the funds and addressing the needs of students while minimizing stigmatization. Dr Andrea Swartzendruber, a Georgia STOMP coalition research partner from UGa, will speak on the developmental and psychological importance of accurate information related to menstruation, in addition to access to products. The webinar will conclude with Q&A from participating school staff and presenters.

As a Georgia STOMP follower, make sure your local school staff is aware of this opportunity!
