Menstruation Conversation: A Youth Action Hour

Top: Aanika Eragam & Areeba Hashmi/Bottom: Jamie Lackey and Stella Kwon

Top: Aanika Eragam & Areeba Hashmi/Bottom: Jamie Lackey and Stella Kwon

On Saturday, January 29th, Youth Leadership in the Georgia STOMP Coalition hosted an advocacy training event, led BY youth FOR youth!

Georgia STOMP Board Member Aanika Eragam assembled a planning team from multiple organizations including her own, Period Atlanta.

Presenters were Stella Kwon (La Lune), Jamie Lackey (Helping Mamas), and Areeba Hashmi (Period Project UGA). Each shared their organization’s contribution to menstrual justice advocacy in Georgia and discussed how high school and college students can advocate for menstrual justice in their communities.

Aanika then gave an overview of Georgia STOMP Legislative Priorities and using member organization, IGNITE’s online resources, participants were able to reach out to their legislators via email, tweets and phone calls during the session. 

The Youth Leadership team for this event has plans for future activities focused on teens and college students in Georgia.  Stay tuned!

Menstruation Conversation Attendees