Girl Scouts and Georgia STOMP – Badges Galore

Over the summer, Claire Cox and Adele Stewart were lucky to meet the girls of Metter Girl Scout Troop #30083, and help them earn three new badges while discussing the pillars of Georgia STOMP’s work!

The Brownies worked on Being a Philanthropist, and learned how to help people in need. The girls picked up quickly on how important it is to help one another in our communities, and how difficult life can be when needs aren’t being met. We talked about how some people need period products, and when they don’t have those products, how challenging going to school and staying at school might be. They also packed period packs to donate to the local schools so that girls in their community could focus on getting an education.



The Juniors learned about Inside Government, and explored complex concepts about what it means to be a citizen, and how we all can be engaged citizens. They discussed different levels of government, and learned  how a bill is passed! After the training, they were able to contact their local State Senator and Representative about what they learned, and why they thought menstrual products 1) shouldn’t be taxes, and 2) should be freely available in schools.

The Cadettes learned about Finding Common Ground, and used potato chip flavor preferences to understand the idea of compromise when many people have different opinions. While BBQ was the unifying potato chip flavor, the girls also explored more difficult concepts of why people may or may not think that menstrual products should be taxed, or freely available in schools. They also contacted their State Senators and Representatives, using emails as well as postcards.

Georgia STOMP was honored to be able to make the trip to Metter and meet these young advocates. If your Girl Scout Troop is interested in earning these badges with our coalition, please contact us at



