Georgia STOMP’s Newest Coalition Member: GCADV

Georgia STOMP is thrilled to welcome the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence (GCADV) to our coalition! Their expertise in collaboration, advocacy, education and empowerment is a welcomed addition to the Georgia STOMP network. If you aren’t familiar with their organization, their website is linked here.

The Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence envisions a Georgia free of domestic violence.  They empower survivors and the programs that serve them, educate the public, and advocate for responsive public policy.

Survivors of domestic violence aren’t simply survivors – they are community members. To only talk about survivors in terms of the domestic violence they’ve experienced ignores their wholeness and disregards the range of identities that they carry and navigate the world through; reality is so much bigger, brighter, and deeper. As the GCADV joins Georgia STOMP’s coalition, they bring an incredibly robust understanding of what challenges survivors face, and are helping to paint the picture of other ways Georgia can ensure survivors are able to thrive in our state. We are grateful to have them, and look forward to sharing successes with you as our ranks continue to grow!