Georgia, A National Leader in Menstrual Product Access for Those Who are Detained


Toilet paper, sanitary napkins, and tampons will also be readily available to offenders in the housing units. The Sanitation Officer will ensure daily that the hygiene cabinet in each dorm is stocked with toilet paper, sanitary napkins, and tampons always.


At Georgia STOMP’s February press conference, Period Progress, Georgia STOMP honored Commissioner Tim Ward for his leadership in policy changes related to menstrual product access at Georgia Department of Correction (GDC) facilities. We recently received a copy of GDC’s  Feminine Hygiene Items Issuance Policy.  Additionally, GDC Director of Female Services, Pamela Wiggins, provided Georgia STOMP  pictures of supply cabinets available “on every dorm within all Female Prisons, Transitional Centers and Probation Detention Centers.” Admittedly, we have never been so excited to see a stack of tampons and pads!

This policy is a welcome step towards all Georgia women being treated with dignity and acceptance and greater normalization of the natural, healthy nature of menstruation.

With the institution of this policy, protections now exist for women in the Federal Bureau of Prisons andGeorgia Department of Correction facilities. Georgia STOMP now turns our focus to county and local jails and juvenile justice facilities.
