School Nurses: Explore Period Product Distribution at District Nutrition Program Sites

Last night, this message was sent to all School Nurses in Georgia, from Krista Lowe, the School Nurse Consultant for the Department of Education.

If you are a school nurse, hope you have already seen it and taken action!

If you are an advocate but not a school nurse, connect with your local school system to encourage them to do everything they can, to get state funded period supplies to their local nutrition director for distribution!

Periods don’t stop for pandemics,” as pointed out in this New York Times piece over the weekend. Students need these products during distance learning as much as they needed them when in the school building!

Thank you for reminding us of that, Krista!

Good evening,
I hope you all are staying home and healthy. I have heard so many wonderful stories of all of the things our school nurses are doing across the state while their students are at home. I know many nurses are working to help distribute school meals to students in need. I wanted to suggest that if your district has spent their feminine hygiene grant money to purchase the products, districts should think of various ways to get these products to their girls in need. Dr. Linette Dodson, State Director for the School Nutrition Program, has reached out to the local nutrition directors to encourage distribution of these items when distributing lunches to students. Please consider ways to help our girls who could benefit from this program, and feel free to share any innovative ways your district is distributing these products.

Krista Lowe, M.Ed., BSN, RN
School Nurse Consultant
Georgia Department of Education