Claire Cox

A Georgia native, Claire Cox has a Chemical Engineering degree from Georgia Tech and an Accounting degree from Macon State.  Although work in both fields is a part of her life story, prior to 2017, Claire spent her time as a wife and mother, volunteering in Bibb County Public Schools, leading various ministries at her church, and establishing a longleaf pine tree farm. She and her husband, Charlie, are lovers of live music and spend their recreational hours attending concerts and promoting Macon’s music history. 

Beginning in January of 2017, Claire became an outspoken advocate in middle Georgia politics, working with others to found an organization that addressed the protection of civil liberties, fair and representative elections, public education access to affordable healthcare, and protection of the environment. 

She served as President of the organization for four years and steered the group through its formational process including the numerous tasks of establishing a new organization. During that time, she moved deeply into work protecting civil rights, particularly those of women, immigrants, and the LGBTQ community. It was a member of that organization that first asked the question, “why are we paying sales tax on menstrual products?”That simple question was the genesis of Georgia STOMP. 

In early 2018, Claire co-led the creation of Georgia STOMP, along with Adele Stewart. The two of them met, joined forces, and shepherded the grassroots effort from a singular tax elimination bill to a statewide organization addressing access issues and advocating for menstrual equity via policy changes and education.

For more than 35 years, since she chose Macon as her home post-graduation from Georgia Tech, Claire has worked through an after-school program and summer camps, PTA leadership in public schools, home repair efforts for the elderly, a high school book club, establishment of the Macon Music Registry, and now through non-partisan political advocacy, to make Georgia, a place she loves dearly, a better home for everyone.