Advocacy Can Be Intimidating…Period

Learning about how a bill is passed, informing yourself about menstrual equity, calling your representatives, having uncomfortable conversations with folks about period products – all of these things make up the pieces of the advocacy puzzle when it comes to the menstrual hygiene tax. Doesn’t exactly sound like a blast, we know.

What we ALSO know is how amazing it is to be part of a group of people making changes for the better, and how critical it is for us to raise our voices when something simply isn’t right. The inequitable sales tax on menstrual hygiene products is, in our opinion, one of those things.

Advocating for yourself and others is empowering, and there’s a top-of-the-mountain high when you make a great connection or get to “yes” with someone you didn’t think would support your initiative.

“When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.” — Malala Yousafzai.

But once you decide to speak up, how can you get to that “yes”? Easy! Inform yourself, and ask questions. We all stand on the shoulders of advocacy giants who came before us. Here are a few easy steps to get started:

  1. You’re already there! Welcome to the Georgia STOMP site.
  2. Sign up for our email list – we’ll keep you posted when it’s time to make a 2 minute phone call to your representative, or coyly slide in menstrual hygiene products into conversation at the water cooler.
  3. We LOVE following hashtags – like #EndPeriodPoverty, #MenstrualEquity, #TamponTax, and #femininehygienetax – on social media platforms or with Google Alerts. The internet, in this case, is your friend!
  4. We also LOVE following our Coalition members on social media platforms. Go to our Coalition page and find the groups in your area!